The cliffs about the sea being inhospitable and prospects for a more genial climate being unpropitious, there was nothing for us but to plunge into the heavy jungle that seemed to cloak the entire interior of this accursed land. It was slow going, made even worse by horrid, stinging flying creatures of every sort as well as those that crawled and let forth filthy stinks, filling us with revulsion. And so it was, that our brave pilgrims were accosted in this terrible place by a prophet who spake thus: βFor if you go among the unclean to spare them the burden of defilement and to do good, know that you will reap naught but fire and destruction upon your own head, your good intentions receiving nothing but anger and an empty wind in a dry place.β Undeterred, our pilgrims trudged on, driven by stubborn piety, the need for confession of guilt but certainly not by foolish greed.
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