The jungle became even more impenetrable as trees grew next to one another and we were forced to squeeze between their trunks, covered with slime and scale. But, soon, even as our way became increasingly steep and impossibly root choked, the jungle gave way to open field and cooler, refreshing breezes. And, in the distance, we could see great shimmering statue, a heathen idol, a subject of perverse, bloodthirsty worship, promising us gold and glory. As we rushed toward it intent on destroying it, we began to stagger drunkenly and scream without control, our heads filled with wild visions of sinfulness and a strong need to express guilt in rigorous confession. Caring not how we appeared, we threw aside our weapons and shields and even our raiment. But, if only had we known how our unseemly our manner was. For, we were being watched. And, the eyes watching us were merciless eyes. This was no ordinary idol...
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