Appearing suddenly from a copse of trees, these wild and heathen savages stayed just beyond range of our weapons and from that distance laughed and made gestures that caused us to fall on our knees and pray for their perverted souls. When we called to them to come close to accept salvation and grace, they yelled to us in a most disrespectful and derisive way to send them our holiest of men so that they might examine his faith and its power. As His Divine Excellence, who did not hesitate when it came to the saving of misguided souls, approached them, making sacred signs and great smoke, they moved back into the woods, bading him to follow which he did. And, as he disappeared after them, there came from that wood wild laughter and, then, a horrendous scream followed by a terrible silence. Believing that no matter how viscious the most heinous savage, there is reason and goodness in every soul, and perhaps also wealth to plunder, our company boldly followed, for our shield was in our true faith and firm knowledge that our mission is filled with righteousness. How were we to know of the sadness that was to come and what terror truly is?
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