The wet and dripping woods in which we found ourselves caused us great sores but also gave up a rich bounty much needed. For, while we performed our sacred work of wresting confessions of guilt from the sacrilegious, we often had naught to eat and were famished. With joy, then, we found crustaceans most succulent in this damp ground and fell upon them with gusto even though we were often bitten and stung before subduing them in fierce combat and proceeding to throw them into our large and steaming caldron along with much fetweed and sorros also gathered form the forest floor. Would we have but heeded the admonitions of those inferior barbarians who we were attempting to convert by means of fire and whip as we would have avoided the wrenching pain that followed our gorging. These crustaceans were as unpleasant after eating as they were when first caught. Unbeknownst to us, they had wormlike venom most horrid.
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