As befits her divinity, Deeva took her pleasures in mysterious ways. She greeted our arrival at her temple with warm hospitality and after examining each of us thoroughly, selected two from of our company for special privileges to be shared with her and her Special, a creature, half-man and half scaly beast, which gave off the most foul of stenches and showed little hesitation and great zeal in its perversity. Thereupon, these brave stalwarts were led away, not to be seem again until next morning when they appeared much exhausted and shaking, refusing to look any of their fellow pilgrims in the eye out of shame and the knowledge that there are experiences that shall change lives forever and that they had some. And, thereafter, they kept apart from us and kept their own company, especially in the dark, a shameful practice for which we later threw them into the sea after flaying.
Labels: ferment, Flinders, plastics, wires
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