Having gained entrance to a great city by the sea, our company was horrified to see the level of lewdness and depravity practiced therein and set about to redeem such barb by sending forth minions of propriety with whips to punish those who refused our admonition, many of whom were of the female gender. These creatures walked about immodestly and without proper supervision and we caned them in hopes of teaching them proper behavior. But, they often failed to accept the error of their ways and threw stones, upon which we endeavored to slay them, but were immediately set upon by fearsome beasts of an unknown type, obviously brought up from the depths by witchery. Surrounded as we were, we had little choice but to be brought before the greatest witch of all, the Prioress of Beasts, who totally unclad and unashamed, took our measure and separated us from the young boys who provided us with comfort and proclaimed us unwelcome in her city and fit only to be in chains lest we take up again our proselytizing, leaving us in fear of what would be next. (Copyright mmg 2007)
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