For an endless period, our brave pilgrims, intent on vanquishing the unclean and teaching true modesty by means of the cane and stick languished in rooms of darkness, unable to attend to their prayers in a proper manner and treated to blasphemy on all sides. Then, without warning, as the record states, they were brought forth, aching of thirst and doubled over by befouled food, blinking in the harsh light of obscene torches to stand before a most obscene female in strange, mortifying raiment, a testament to the immodesty of unbelievers and their unclean thoughts. She was accompanied by a fearsome fowl, her symbol of office. Our undaunted pilgrims called for her beheading as the true law dictates but their supplications were met with derisive laughter by their immoral guards. Forthwith, this female, apparently unaware of what our pilgrims knew to be her place, explained the nature of the confessions that had been prepared for them, announced their fate and then commanded that they be taken to smothering rooms to await their punishment. Would this be the end of our brave and unbowed pilgrims? Would they rather than the heathen be given salvation and their faith suffer insult most foul? Tune to the next episode and be the first in your neighborhood to find out. (Copyright mmg 2007)
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