On the morning of the 15th day at sea, battling first devilish wind and wave and then desultory calm and a broiling sun, all the while surrounded by bloodthirsty white watery monsters swimming round and round our ship, we espied with caution and foreboding, a smoky island, a gray land with little prospect or so it first seemed. We steered for it nonetheless. Could we do otherwise? For our fate if we remained without food and water at sea would be sealed. But, as we grew closer, we saw something that filled us with joy. We knew this island, if only by legend. Its outline against the far sky was inscribed in the most holy of sand markings, even unto solid rock. It was the Isle of the Green Visier, a place of learning and civility and constant praying, where women are fully covered so that they may not be immodest or bring dishonor to their brethren and where holy warriors are greeted with respect and honor. And, so, we hoped, we would find a refuge and support in our quest to subdue the infidel that promotes sin and depravity. It was soon enough, however, that our joy was to be crushed. (Copyright mmg 2008)
Labels: adventure, art, fantasy
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