Condemned and despairing, we were spared no humiliation or insult as female guards of the most shameless sort were put upon us. Cavorting about in naught but their fierce weapons they attempted to enrage and distract us from our devotions and our reading of the True Sage’s word. But, we knew that ours would be the reward of martyrs if but we held true to our faith and so, averting our eyes as best we could, we cursed them and bade that they stop bringing dishonor to their families by accepting the coverings of modesty and return to their homes and submit to the rule of men as has been dictated by law. They merely laughed at our efforts to save them from themselves and reminded us that our efforts to whip them for indecency were the reason why we were facing a cruel fate. They would not be saved and so we held court and issued an edict condemning them all to beheading, as the law so dictates. For there is no mercy for those who fail to heed the sacred book and so it would be for them although, through the work of satanic forces, we would soon be unable to carry out their sentence. (Copyright mmg 2008)
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