Coming in the lee of the Isle of the Green Visier, we could smell the fragrance of flower and forest and many birds of an unknown type filled the air, their sharp cries ringing in our ears. At first they flew about our vessel but suddenly one, then another and another, swooped in a raked with beak and claw some of our crew of holy warriors, drawing blood from their scalps and faces. The bleeding from these wounds was hard to staunch and those who had them soon felt into a deep trance as their skin turned black and then green. And, while they were so afflicted, there came out from the island a vessel bearing not healing balm or welcome but instead a proclamation of our trial and immediate execution. For, we were considered unclean for having been captured by and being in the presence of uncovered, infidel women who did dishonor to their family by failing to obey the religious rules and who must surely by their adulterous dress engage in harlotry. And, so, rather than being honored for our martyrdom, we would instead be denied our due place in heaven as is ordained for those who are so unclean. (Copyright mmg 2008
Labels: fantasy, illustrated, serial story
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