Staggering onto the dock, we encountered before anyone else a poleax man who introduced himself as our executioner. Stark naked but for his head which according to law must be kept covered, and stinking himself, had the carcass of a sea creature at his feet and began demonstrating his skills upon it, deftly slicing off repulsive portions of dead flesh from this fish that had been too long in the sun. And, we were forced to concur; the precision with which he wielded his instrument was noteworthy. He was a master and we gave him his due with coin and other blandishments. Whereupon, he took out a greasy crayon and began marking on each of us the cuts that he would take, sundering limbs first and then the rest until we would be but a pile of flesh, each of us, before the sacred law. He advised holding quite still while he proceeded. But, he said, “I will not begin until the religious police have had their way with you. Then, he gave us instructions to the religious court where were to appear for trial and immediate conviction. What choice did we have as a condemnation of death had been issued by the great seer? © mmg 2008
Labels: bizarre, illustrated, naked, serial fantasy
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