Thursday, November 17, 2005

Revenge of the rodentia

An otherwise rather pleasant and more or less sane gentleman of our acquaintance, together with his wife, purchased a small cabin in the woods. It boasts more charm than practicality and its amenities were not up-to-date. Still, they are both well pleased with their purchase and have made efforts to make it more livable. The only problem is the mice. They seem to see this cabin as their own, maddening this otherwise gentleman and turning him into a trap savvy mouse mass murderer. He would set traps, baited with peanut butter and after they had performed up to specifications, he would chuck the carcasses produced into the woods, unceremoniously and without second thought. Except that now he does not sleep and is haunted by dreams that he cannot recall.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The kiss of extreme love

There is no accounting for the behavior of our fellow travelers when it comes to secret longings and their fulfillment, requiring that very strict rules be written and those who wish to follow their own desires to do so in considerate, careful and subterrean ways. But, the rewards, it is said are so very special that the risks of public exposure, shame and the stake rarely deter.
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