Monday, February 19, 2007

Episode MMCXI - Voraciosa

As recorded in Field Guide IV – The Beasts (Plate (91). We encountered these foul smelling creatures along rivers wherein they scavenged for carrion and kept the land free of rotting flesh and the vermin that diseased carcasses attract. Roaming in pack, they proved formidable for us and many were taken by surprise especially when performing daily ablutions, never guessing what was in store until they felt the fetid heat of voracious teeth tearing into their flesh. These bites would not heal and the victims soon succumbed to terrible fevers and an agonizing end, despite our most powerful chants and resinous poultices.


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Episode XCI – Bird #5

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From “Field Guide IV,” Being The Log of the Chief of Natural Philosophy and Creation

These creatures we found on a small rocky reef to which they crowed every conceivable space with they nests and young. Coming leeward we encountered their stench which was most prodigious and made us hesitate to go among them despite our intense hunger. They proved vicious and left our boarding crew fleeing with large bites that festered. Those lucky enough to die immediately were spared the horror of intense pain and delirium. These were beasts that would not fill our larder.

See how the workings of creation are used to demonstrate divine intervention.
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