Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Episode MMIX – Deeva And Her Special

As befits her divinity, Deeva took her pleasures in mysterious ways. She greeted our arrival at her temple with warm hospitality and after examining each of us thoroughly, selected two from of our company for special privileges to be shared with her and her Special, a creature, half-man and half scaly beast, which gave off the most foul of stenches and showed little hesitation and great zeal in its perversity. Thereupon, these brave stalwarts were led away, not to be seem again until next morning when they appeared much exhausted and shaking, refusing to look any of their fellow pilgrims in the eye out of shame and the knowledge that there are experiences that shall change lives forever and that they had some. And, thereafter, they kept apart from us and kept their own company, especially in the dark, a shameful practice for which we later threw them into the sea after flaying.

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Monday, October 01, 2007

Episode MMVII – Neho, The Stabber

At the Lake of the Great Bear Camp, we came upon the fabled horned water cattle, beasts with succulent flesh and receptive manner as is written in the Sacred Texts. They swam lazily back and forth in the warm sunlight, giving us a welcoming if quizzical look and speaking warm greetings of trust and love as we moved about them with clubs and stabbers and, oblivious to their cries for mercy, made quick work of them, turning the clear waters of the lake sour and thick with blood and filth. After hauling their carcasses to shore and indifferent to their stench, Neho, the Stabber, slaughtered them and caused a bonfire to be lit for their full roasting. The feast that followed went on for days, leaving us sated but in a deep stupor, interrupted only by painful cramps and the stinging bites of the lake worms that infested the shore and, burrowed into our flesh, until they in turn were sated. There was but one cure and those submitting to it rarely remained standing for the pain. © mmg 2007

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