Being Watched

These are the deep questions. Do not speak or they shall hear. Do not write or they shall read. Do not look or they shall see. There are seven. The fifth is extreme. Believe. Or, not.
It was in the 23rd year of the present reign decreed by His Light, The Great Priest and Ruler of Beams that there shall be caused a ship of great worth to sail forth on the unknown sea to discover new lands and to claim souls and treasure for His Light, The Great Priest and Ruler of Beams so that all would worship and confess their guilt as they are required on pain of death
Old building. Shabby. The top floor. An old, worn set of stairs. Needs cleaning. At the top, breathless. Five floors up. Long hallway. Door at end. Still breathless. Sweating. The merchandise is supposed to be first class and the price couldn't be better. I can order five gross and sell them in a week. Such a good margin. We shall see.
The door at the end. No sign. Just a number. Twelve. I push the buzzer. Nothing. Again the buzzer. Nothing. And, then, the face, the smell, the growling and grinding. Reeling backa and back to get away. Up against something wet and dank. Grasping claws. Away. away.
Daylight. Just a street. I have escaped. But, I am now changed.
As you are now changed.