Episode MMXXVIII – Escape

Just when we thought all was lost and were expecting the joy of martyrdom at any moment, there was a strange noise. It was the noise of long unused hinges. As we gazed with unbelieving eyes, a door opened in what had been an otherwise blank wall and before us there appeared a long, dark and dank passage, slippery, slimy, and almost impassible, covered as the walls were with mold and unspeakable filth. What choice did we have but to drag ourselves down it? For we could hear them coming with terrible dogs and beheading axes to dispatch us. And, so, we scuttled along like crabs to a small door which was open to the sky and a great empty and unguarded ship lit by torches. Quickly we went on board, cast off, hoisted sail and steered for the horizon, fearing some kind of devious trap on the part of our former captors. As we left the mooring and caught a breeze, we saw that we had reason to fear. For swimming ahead of our bow were glowing, huge beasts with blood red splotches about them. And, then, after we had cleared the Three Towers of Doom, the cry went up, “Rising water in the hold.” Would there be no expiation for us? (Copyright mmg 2008)
Labels: Voyages of Discoveries