And so, we were brought before the great seer of prophesy, who had brought the true word down for above to teach it unto us and to bring us from the depravity of our ways into the light and to practice all our days the ways of the martyrs so that we might ascend to paradise and the great gifts and glories that might await us there. And, this great seer who shall remain nameless and on whose image upon which none should gaze for it is blasphemy to see, cast his stern eye upon us and we trembled. Yet, when he spoke, it was gently at first as he set forth the charge against us of having been in the presence of immodest women without whipping or beheading them. His voice became more righteous as he declared us infidels and screamed for our death. But, then, reminded that we had, upon seeing a disobedient wife had stoned her, the great prophesizer declared that rather than give us our just and deserved punishment of dismemberment, he would send us out into the world on a ship that would be outfitted for us to travel endlessly so that we may catalog the beasts and plants of the world and bring back knowledge and spread the true faith, not by inflicting pain and death or by exhortation, but by example. Faced with this dictate, many of our most religious compatriots threw themselves into the sea for what is their faith without blood and terror? © mmg 2008
Labels: illustrated, serial fantasy